
Our Research Projects

EHL research faculty conduct applied and fundamental research in a wide variety of areas related to hospitality industry, tourism and travel, business management and education.

The aim of EHL faculty research is to uncover data-driven insights that lead to improved customer satisfaction, increased profitability, updated operations, sustainable growth and breakthroughs in identifying hospitality needs and trends.

With regard to hospitality education, today’s research is critical to ensuring that students are well-equipped for successful careers in the industry and aware of trends such as the impact of digitalization and the need for innovative sustainable practices.

Research Domains

Current research projects cover the following themes:

  • Finance & Real Estate
  • Education
  • Economics
  • Human Resources & Leadership
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Marketing
  • Strategy & Entrepreneurship
  • Revenue Management
  • Sustainability & Innovation
  • Hospitality Competences

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HR & Organizational behavior
Revenue Management
Wine Economics
Economy & Service
Corporate sustainability
Food Industry
Corporate Governance
Real Estate
Customer Experience
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HR & Organizational behavior
image relative à A longitudinal analysis of professional social media use for job seekers and hiring organizations.

A longitudinal analysis of professional social media use for job seekers and hiring organizations.

Fernandez, S., EHL Hospitality Business School

Nicolas Roulin, Saint Mary's University (Canada)

01/02/2025 → 31/10/2028

image relative à How audience heterogeneity impacts the fate of organizations: the case of the beer boom and the development of the beer industry in Switzerland

How audience heterogeneity impacts the fate of organizations: the case of the beer boom and the development of the beer industry in Switzerland

Beck, N., USI

Cruz, M., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/11/2022 → 01/11/2026

HR & Organizational behavior
image relative à Investigating cultural intelligence in the Swiss hospitality industry

Investigating cultural intelligence in the Swiss hospitality industry

Peter Varga, EHL Hospitality Business School

Chen, M.-M., EHL Hospitality Business School Fernandez, S., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/02/2025 → 31/07/2026

image relative à Resilient Tourism

Resilient Tourism

Inversini, A., EHL Hospitality Business School

• Chen M.-M., EHL Hospitality Business School
• Crettol, O., Institut de recherche Icare
• Laesser, C., University of St. Gallen

• Amt für Wirtschaft und Tourismus Graubünden (AWT)
• Anniviers Tourisme
• APG|SGA, Allgemeine Plakatgesellschaft AG

01/06/2022 → 31/05/2026

image relative à La Smart Région Touristique

La Smart Région Touristique

Didier Miéville, Nyon Region Tourisme

Davy Jansegers, Lausanne Tourisme Christopher Meignier, Blent Inversini, A., , EHL Hospitality Business School Chen, M.-M., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/10/2024 → 31/05/2026

image relative à The Future of Sustainability in Mobility: Professional and Private Mobility Patterns and Perspectives of the Generation Z in the DACH Region

The Future of Sustainability in Mobility: Professional and Private Mobility Patterns and Perspectives of the Generation Z in the DACH Region

Stefan Güldenberg, EHL Hospitality Business School

Baumgartner, C., Chur University of Applied Sciences Kienzl, K., CEOs for Future

01/01/2025 → 31/06/2026

image relative à When the wild mind meets the disciplined eye: Professional identity development at the intersection of institutional logics and creativity

When the wild mind meets the disciplined eye: Professional identity development at the intersection of institutional logics and creativity

Hinrichs, N., EHL Hospitality Business School

Stierand, M., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2023 → 01/01/2026

image relative à Les impacts du programme Business Team Academy: Effets sur l’emploi et la carrière des diplômé·e·s et retombées pour les organisations

Les impacts du programme Business Team Academy: Effets sur l’emploi et la carrière des diplômé·e·s et retombées pour les organisations

Salamin, X. HES-SO Valais/Wallis

• Audrin, B., EHL Hospitality Business School
• Chochard, Y., UQAM

01/10/2023 → 01/09/2025

image relative à The Regenerative Transition: A Canvas-Based Approach for Hospitality

The Regenerative Transition: A Canvas-Based Approach for Hospitality

Inversini, A., EHL Hospitality Business School

• Cheminade, A., Hotel des Horlogers
• Fontana, C., Hotel Lugano Dante
• Durrer, N., Gaia Hotel
• Carigiet, G., Pradas Resort...

01/01/2024 → 01/07/2025

HR & Organizational behavior
image relative à SEM24


van der Plas, L., IDIAP

Audrin, B. EHL Hospitality Business School Negro Cusa, J. Arca24.com SA

07/07/2023 → 01/07/2025

Revenue Management
image relative à Optimizing Hotel Service Offers with Machine Learning Techniques

Optimizing Hotel Service Offers with Machine Learning Techniques

Heo, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

15/05/2023 → 14/04/2025

image relative à The detrimental impact of service digitization on frontline staff’s productivity, well-being, and customer experience

The detrimental impact of service digitization on frontline staff’s productivity, well-being, and customer experience

Yu Kerguignas, J., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/09/2023 → 01/02/2025

image relative à Long-run economic and demographic influences on international tourism

Long-run economic and demographic influences on international tourism

Davoine, T., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2023 → 31/12/2024

Revenue Management
image relative à Implementing Revenue Management Strategies for Ski Lifts

Implementing Revenue Management Strategies for Ski Lifts

Heo, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/09/2023 → 31/12/2024

Wine Economics
image relative à Données satellitaires, intelligence artificielle et régressions hédoniques au service de la modélisation des liens entre météo, qualité et prix des vins

Données satellitaires, intelligence artificielle et régressions hédoniques au service de la modélisation des liens entre météo, qualité et prix des vins

Masset, P., EHL Hospitality Business School

De Vecchi, D., Ticinum Aerospace srl.

01/09/2023 → 31/12/2024

image relative à AI-generated text in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): Are all responses equal?

AI-generated text in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs): Are all responses equal?

Zizka, L., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/05/2024 → 31/10/2024

image relative à How much more can the Galapagos Islands support? Social, ecological and psychographic carrying capacities

How much more can the Galapagos Islands support? Social, ecological and psychographic carrying capacities

Varga, P., EHL Hospitality Business School

• Muñoz, A., Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador
• Martin-Rios, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/04/2023 → 01/10/2024

image relative à Exploring the Devastating Social Impact of Japan’s Release of Nuclear Polluted Water

Exploring the Devastating Social Impact of Japan’s Release of Nuclear Polluted Water

Heo, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

• Lee, G., Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Japan
• Kim, B., Inha University, South Korea

01/09/2023 → 31/08/2024

image relative à Green Tourists: Attitudinal and Behavioral Sustainable Tourist Segments for Switzerland

Green Tourists: Attitudinal and Behavioral Sustainable Tourist Segments for Switzerland

Fuchs, M., EHL Hospitality Business School

Clergue, V., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2023 → 30/06/2024

image relative à Sustainabilty Transitions in the Swiss foodservice: Re-imagining foodservice for a world never imagined (STRest)

Sustainabilty Transitions in the Swiss foodservice: Re-imagining foodservice for a world never imagined (STRest)

Martin-Rios, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

Gossling, S., Linnaeus University

01/09/2023 → 01/03/2024

image relative à Digital Supported Regenerative Hospitality in Rural Lebanon

Digital Supported Regenerative Hospitality in Rural Lebanon

Inversini, A., EHL Hospitality Business School

• Talhouk, S.N., American University of Beirut
• Daou, A., American University of Beirut

01/02/2023 → 31/01/2024

image relative à VirtualSomm - A sommelier in your pocket and the true cost of wine

VirtualSomm - A sommelier in your pocket and the true cost of wine

Wolf, B., HEIA-FR

• Martin-Rios, C., EHL Hospitality Business School
• Masset, P., EHL Hospitality Business School
• Moudoux, A., Changins

Carrade, P. VirtualSomm

01/06/2022 → 30/11/2023

Economy & Service
image relative à Effects of relative media sentiment, information demand, and conspicuous desire on Chinese tourists demand to travel to Switzerland

Effects of relative media sentiment, information demand, and conspicuous desire on Chinese tourists demand to travel to Switzerland

Mori, M., EHL Hospitality Business School

01.01.2022 → 30/06/2023

image relative à Développement durable dans l’hôtellerie Transfrontalière

Développement durable dans l’hôtellerie Transfrontalière

Lima, R., HES-SO - HEPIA

Raub, S., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/04/2020 → 31/03/2023

image relative à Digitally Enabled Regenerative Hospitality Ecosystems

Digitally Enabled Regenerative Hospitality Ecosystems

Inversini, A., EHL Hospitality Business School

Schegg, R., HES-SO Valais

15/06/2022 → 15/12/2022

Wine Economics
image relative à Gestion du risque climatique dans la viticulture par la diversification des cépages

Gestion du risque climatique dans la viticulture par la diversification des cépages

Masset, P., EHL Hospitality Business School

Weisskopf, J.-P., EHL Hospitality Business School

15/06/2022 → 15/12/2022

Economy & Service
image relative à Developing an applied hospitality training programme for personnel in operations to enhance environmental and cultural awareness of the SDGs in the Swiss hospitality sector

Developing an applied hospitality training programme for personnel in operations to enhance environmental and cultural awareness of the SDGs in the Swiss hospitality sector

Varga, P., EHL Hospitality Business School

15/06/2022 → 15/12/2022

Corporate sustainability
image relative à Corporate experience and organizational learning in sustainability reporting

Corporate experience and organizational learning in sustainability reporting

Derchi, G.-B., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/06/2022 → 01/12/2022

image relative à Corporate Decision making under high uncertainty

Corporate Decision making under high uncertainty

Hasman, A., EHL Hospitality Business School

Borzillo, S., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2021 → 30/06/2022

image relative à Pandemic and Beyond - Developing innovative approaches against COVID-19 for tourism sector using a Mean-End Chain theory approach

Pandemic and Beyond - Developing innovative approaches against COVID-19 for tourism sector using a Mean-End Chain theory approach

Heo, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2021 → 30/06/2022

image relative à Local Community Empowerment Through Smart Host-Guest Relationship

Local Community Empowerment Through Smart Host-Guest Relationship

Inversini, A., EHL Hospitality Business School

Talhouk, S.N., American University of Beirut

01/03/2021 → 30/06/2022

image relative à Effects of Circular Economy Practices in the Hospitality Industry

Effects of Circular Economy Practices in the Hospitality Industry

Lopez, L., EHL Hospitality Business School

Girardin, F., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/09/2020 → 28/02/2022

image relative à L’avenir des hôtels d’affaires suisses en milieu urbain

L’avenir des hôtels d’affaires suisses en milieu urbain

Schegg, R., HES-SO Valais

Inversini, A., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/03/2021 → 28/02/2022

HR & Organizational behavior
image relative à Virtual reality as a talent recruitment tool

Virtual reality as a talent recruitment tool

Pougnet, S., EHL Hospitality Business School

SecondWorld Sarl

01/01/2020 → 31/12/2021

image relative à Effective online networking practices in the context of Swiss SMEs

Effective online networking practices in the context of Swiss SMEs

Kim, S., EHL Hospitality Business School

Shaner J., EHL Hospitality Business School

15/06/2021 → 15/12/2021

image relative à Business Model Innovation as a tool for SMEs in the Food and Beverage Industry to successfully navigate crises such as COVID-19

Business Model Innovation as a tool for SMEs in the Food and Beverage Industry to successfully navigate crises such as COVID-19

Cruz, M., EHL Hospitality Business School

Enzo Bivona, University of Palermo (Italy)

15/06/2021 → 15/12/2021

Economy & Service
image relative à Building Trust During Covid-19 Recovery

Building Trust During Covid-19 Recovery

Clergue, V., EHL Hospitality Business School

Chen, M.-M., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/06/2021 → 30/11/2021

image relative à Exploring travel motivation post COVID-19 using a Mean-End-Chain theory approach

Exploring travel motivation post COVID-19 using a Mean-End-Chain theory approach

Heo, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/12/2020 → 30/11/2021

Food Industry
image relative à Addressing the challenge of food waste reduction in the post-pandemic scenario: A study in hospitality education

Addressing the challenge of food waste reduction in the post-pandemic scenario: A study in hospitality education

Martin-Rios, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/06/2021 → 30/11/2021

image relative à COVID-19 crisis resiliency across ownership structures in Swiss listed companies

COVID-19 crisis resiliency across ownership structures in Swiss listed companies

Poretti, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/06/2021 → 30/11/2021

image relative à Utiliser les nudges afin de modifier durablement les comportements de mobilité douce au travail

Utiliser les nudges afin de modifier durablement les comportements de mobilité douce au travail

Terrier, L., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/06/2021 → 30/11/2021

image relative à Hospitality’s response to Covid-19: Welcome back to the new ‘abnormal’!

Hospitality’s response to Covid-19: Welcome back to the new ‘abnormal’!

Zizka, L., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/06/2021 → 30/11/2021

image relative à Winds of change: The critical function of role identity management in strategic change

Winds of change: The critical function of role identity management in strategic change

Hinrichs, N., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2018 → 31/08/2021

image relative à Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Media Communication

Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Media Communication

Inversini, A., EHL Hospitality Business School

Derchi, G.-B., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/02/2020 → 31/07/2021

Corporate Governance
image relative à Gender diversity all over the firm: the consequences of financial reporting feminization on financial reporting outcomes

Gender diversity all over the firm: the consequences of financial reporting feminization on financial reporting outcomes

Poretti, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2020 → 30/06/2021

image relative à Human-Robot Interaction in a service delivery context

Human-Robot Interaction in a service delivery context

Etemad-Sajadi, R., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/12/2019 → 31/05/2021

image relative à Doing well by doing good: Ecosystem strategies for hybrid organizations

Doing well by doing good: Ecosystem strategies for hybrid organizations

Hinrichs, N., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/09/2019 → 28/02/2021

Real Estate
image relative à Price Transparency in the European Hotel Industry

Price Transparency in the European Hotel Industry

Woltering, R.-O., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/09/2019 → 28/02/2021

image relative à Hotel Intelligent System using Machine Learning and Cognitive Tools (Hotelnet)

Hotel Intelligent System using Machine Learning and Cognitive Tools (Hotelnet)

Heo, C., EHL Hospitality Business School


01/01/2020 → 31/12/2020

image relative à Sociocultural impacts of tourism degrowth during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Galapagos Islands

Sociocultural impacts of tourism degrowth during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Galapagos Islands

Varga, P., EHL Hospitality Business School

Muñoz, A., Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador

01/01/2020 → 31/12/2020

image relative à Economic Effects of Covid-19 and Macroeconomic Policies for Recovery

Economic Effects of Covid-19 and Macroeconomic Policies for Recovery

Blengini, I., EHL Hospitality Business School

01.06.2020 → 30/11/2020

Wine Economics
image relative à COVID-19 : Gérer la crise et préparer le futur de l’industrie viticole suisse

COVID-19 : Gérer la crise et préparer le futur de l’industrie viticole suisse

Masset, P., EHL Hospitality Business School

Weisskopf, J.-P., EHL Hospitality Business School

11/05/2020 → 11/11/2020

image relative à Destination Image: What drives potential tourists` intention to come to Switzerland?

Destination Image: What drives potential tourists` intention to come to Switzerland?

Chen, M.-M., EHL Hospitality Business School

Zizka, L., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2019 → 30/06/2020

image relative à Authenticity as a resource for entrepreneurship and tourism: the case of the beer boom in Switzerland

Authenticity as a resource for entrepreneurship and tourism: the case of the beer boom in Switzerland

Cruz, M., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/09/2018 → 31/05/2020

Economy & Service
image relative à The Swiss Hospitality Macroeconomics Forecasting Index

The Swiss Hospitality Macroeconomics Forecasting Index

Bianchi, G., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/09/2018 → 28/02/2020

image relative à Current Innovation Trends in Sales, Marketing & Revenue Management of branded hotels in the United States (HSMAI)

Current Innovation Trends in Sales, Marketing & Revenue Management of branded hotels in the United States (HSMAI)

Martin-Rios, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/09/2019 → 31/01/2020

image relative à Ecofass-Vin, Développement, perfectionnement et industrialisation d'un système de distribution innovant pour les boissons carbonatées et fortement carbonatées, incluant la quantification et la diminution de l'impact écologique de la distribution de vins régionaux

Ecofass-Vin, Développement, perfectionnement et industrialisation d'un système de distribution innovant pour les boissons carbonatées et fortement carbonatées, incluant la quantification et la diminution de l'impact écologique de la distribution de vins régionaux

Demen-Meier, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

Pougnet, S., EHL Hospitality Business School

• Bibarium
• CG Industry • Ecole de Changins
• Institut Français de la Vigne et du Vin

01/07/2017 → 31/12/2019

image relative à Exchange rate appreciations and the Swiss hospitality industry

Exchange rate appreciations and the Swiss hospitality industry

Blengini, I., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2018 → 30/06/2019

image relative à Avatar remote control

Avatar remote control

Etemad-Sajadi, R., EHL Hospitality Business School

Perez-Uribe, A. HEIG-VD

J.C. Gostanian, Avatarion

01/04/2017 → 31/03/2019

Customer Experience
image relative à Bringing hospitality inside seniors’ smart homes

Bringing hospitality inside seniors’ smart homes

Etemad-Sajadi, R., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/09/2016 → 28/02/2018

image relative à Toward successful implementation of novel forms of innovation in the hospitality industry

Toward successful implementation of novel forms of innovation in the hospitality industry

Martin-Rios, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/09/2016 → 01/01/2018

HR & Organizational behavior
image relative à Impact d’une formation aux techniques d’influence sur le comportement et les gains des employés de restauration

Impact d’une formation aux techniques d’influence sur le comportement et les gains des employés de restauration

Fernandez, S., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2016 → 31/07/2017

image relative à The Swiss Tourist Satisfaction and Happiness Index

The Swiss Tourist Satisfaction and Happiness Index

Chen, Y., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2015 → 31/03/2016

Real Estate
image relative à Asset-light strategies in the hospitality industry: A light-hearted or a right choice?

Asset-light strategies in the hospitality industry: A light-hearted or a right choice?

Weisskopf, J.-P., EHL Hospitality Business School

Masset, P., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/09/2014 → 31/12/2015

image relative à The impact of hotel online-customer ratings on lodging performance across industry segments.

The impact of hotel online-customer ratings on lodging performance across industry segments.

Blal, I., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2013 → 31/12/2015

Economy & Service
image relative à Construction et circulation des compétences interculturelles dans les relations de service front desk: le cas de l’hôtellerie

Construction et circulation des compétences interculturelles dans les relations de service front desk: le cas de l’hôtellerie

Losa, S., EHL Hospitality Business School

Varga, P., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/11/2012 → 01/04/2014

Economy & Service
image relative à Optimising Channel Selection for SME Hotels- Investigating Customer Preferences and Hotelier Channel Management

Optimising Channel Selection for SME Hotels- Investigating Customer Preferences and Hotelier Channel Management

Chen, M.-M., EHL Hospitality Business School

Murphy, H., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/09/2012 → 01/02/2014

Economy & Service
image relative à Accroître les comportements écoresponsables en milieu hôtelier: Communications normative et engageante.

Accroître les comportements écoresponsables en milieu hôtelier: Communications normative et engageante.

Terrier, L., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2012 → 31/12/2013

Customer Experience
image relative à Influence des réseaux sociaux (Web 2.0) sur le comportement d’achat des jeunes « millennials » dans la restauration en France et en Suisse

Influence des réseaux sociaux (Web 2.0) sur le comportement d’achat des jeunes « millennials » dans la restauration en France et en Suisse

Demen-Meier, C., EHL Hospitality Business School

• Pougnet, S., EHL Hospitality Business School
• Laaroussi, S. EHL Hospitality Business School
• Ferri, A., EHL Hospitality Business...

I-Taste, Genève, Suisse - Paul De La Rochefoucauld

01/01/2012 → 31/12/2013

HR & Organizational behavior
image relative à Selection practices in the Swiss Hotel Industry

Selection practices in the Swiss Hotel Industry

Fernandez, S., EHL Hospitality Business School

Pougnet, S., EHL Hospitality Business School

Lausanne Hospitality Consulting (LHC)

01/04/2013 → 31/10/2013

image relative à Virtual Agents

Virtual Agents

Etemad-Sajadi, R., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/04/2013 → 31/01/2013

image relative à Financing solutions for the small and medium hotel businesses in Switzerland: The study of a possible initial public offering on the SWX Local Caps.

Financing solutions for the small and medium hotel businesses in Switzerland: The study of a possible initial public offering on the SWX Local Caps.

Mungall, A., Gherissi-Labben, Ghorbal, I.- EHL Hospitality Business School

Blal, I., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2009 → 31/12/2011

image relative à Humanization CRM

Humanization CRM

Etemad-Sajadi, R., EHL Hospitality Business School

01/01/2010 → 30/06/2011

image relative à

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