
HR & Organizational behavior

Impact d’une formation aux techniques d’influence sur le comportement et les gains des employés de restauration

The project aims to test the effectivenes of a training intervention for waiters to enhance guest's tipping behavior

Main Applicant:

Fernandez, S., EHL Hospitality Business School


Start and End Date:

01/01/2016 → 31/07/2017

External Funding:


Project Description

Previous studies have shown that restaurant employees who use tip-enhancing behaviors such as smiling, introducing oneself by one’s name or writing “thank you” on the bill receive more tips. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of a training intervention about tip-enhancing behaviors on the amount of tips received by restaurant employees. The sample of this study comprised 143 employees working in 62 restaurants. Sixty-nine participants took part in the training intervention and 74 were in the control condition. After the training intervention, the amount of tips received by the employees was tracked over 5 days. Results showed that participants who followed the training intervention used more tip-enhancing behaviors than the participants in the control group, that a higher use of tip-enhancing behaviors was related to higher amount of tips and that the effect of the training intervention on the amount of tips was fully mediated by an increase in the use of tip-enhancing behaviors.


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