
Exploring travel motivation post COVID-19 using a Mean-End-Chain theory approach

This project seeks to examine how cultural background (i.e., Switzerland and South Korea) influences travel motivation during the COVID 19 pandemic.

Main Applicant:

Heo, C., EHL Hospitality Business School


Start and End Date:

01/12/2020 → 30/11/2021

External Funding:


Project Description

This project investigated how cultural background (i.e., Switzerland and South Korea) influences travel motivation during the COVID 19 pandemic. Interesting cultural differences were discovered. In particular, family and friends as a destination attribute and a sense of belonging as an ultimate value of travel became more important among Swiss respondents. Hedonic pleasure emerged as the main ultimate value of travel among Swiss respondents, while outcome-oriented values of tourism (e.g., self-actualization, creativity, innovation, and efficacy) were of greater significance to South Korean respondents.

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