
Utiliser les nudges afin de modifier durablement les comportements de mobilité douce au travail

The main objective of this project was to identify the factors that promote the adoption of soft mobility offers at work.

Main Applicant:

Terrier, L., EHL Hospitality Business School


Start and End Date:

01/06/2021 → 30/11/2021

External Funding:


Project Description

The results show that the organizational variables must be taken into consideration if the expected behavior is to be achieved by the organization. Indeed, even if soft mobility has an impact that goes far beyond the organization alone, the organizations bring these programs to the employees. Here we see that the change towards soft mobility and, more generally, more responsible behaviors must be part of the overall environment of the organization. Thus, no matter how good, a solo responsible action will have little impact if the organizational context does not allow individuals to give it credit and trust.

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