
Green Tourists: Attitudinal and Behavioral Sustainable Tourist Segments for Switzerland

The project focuses on understanding tourists' perceptions and motivations towards sustainable tourism to help hospitality companies target customers effectively.

Main Applicant:

Fuchs, M., EHL Hospitality Business School


Clergue, V., EHL Hospitality Business School

Start and End Date:

01/01/2023 → 30/06/2024

External Funding:


Project Description

Whereas the topic of sustainability was more a matter of choice years ago, it has now become a must for countries, companies, and consumers. Consumers are also becoming increasingly interested in ensuring that their holiday experiences are undertaken sustainably. According to extant research, one of the initial stages of encouraging sustainable tourism should be understanding tourists’ perceptions of sustainability. Therefore, companies seeking to offer a sustainable offer need to understand what consumers mean and thus look for. Additionally, it is important to know each consumer group’s motivation to behave sustainably. This will allow hospitality players to better target their current and potential customers not only with their offers but also with their communication.

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