

Sustainabilty Transitions in the Swiss foodservice: Re-imagining foodservice for a world never imagined (STRest)

This project dives into the sustainability transition happening in the food service industry and how it's affecting various players in Switzerland, exploring both the basics and practical aspects of this transformation.

Main Applicant:

Martin-Rios, C., EHL Hospitality Business School



Gossling, S., Linnaeus University

Start and End Date:

01/09/2023 → 01/03/2024

External Funding:


Project Description

This project investigates the current state of sustainability transition within the foodservice industry, exploring the extent of existing academic knowledge. We will also identify sustainability innovations that hold the potential to disrupt the industry's current landscape. Furthermore, our research will delve into long-term strategies, focusing on sustainable business model innovations necessary for major foodservice establishments to ensure their sustainability and resilience.

EHL Researcher Profiles