

Corporate Decision making under high uncertainty

This project analysed the impact of the coronavirus in the economy with an emphasis on the hospitality industry.

Main Applicant:

Hasman, A., EHL Hospitality Business School


Borzillo, S., EHL Hospitality Business School

Start and End Date:

01/01/2021 → 30/06/2022

External Funding:


Project Description

The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked havoc on the economy and no region has been spared. In this project, we have first analysed the impact of the coronavirus in the different Swiss regions (cantons), focusing on the hotel industry. Second, we have studied the impact of the coronavirus on extreme losses affecting the hospitality industry (hotels and restaurants). Third, we have evaluated the impact of the talent shortage on the hotel industry with a special focus on the Z generation. Last but not least, we have assessed the impact of the coronavirus on financial stability and how this would affect the availability and cost of loans.

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