

Les impacts du programme Business Team Academy: Effets sur l’emploi et la carrière des diplômé·e·s et retombées pour les organisations

The aim of this project is to evaluate the impact of an experiential management learning programm to identify its benefits for graduates and the organizations that employ them.

Main Applicant:

Salamin, X. HES-SO Valais/Wallis


• Audrin, B., EHL Hospitality Business School
• Chochard, Y., UQAM

Start and End Date:

01/10/2023 → 01/09/2025

External Funding:


Project Description

Launched in 2017, the Business Team Academy program is a unique training program in Switzerland that enables students to obtain an HES Bachelor's degree in Business Economics. It is inspired by the Tiimiakatemia" methodology that mobilizes a pedagogical model based on collective learning through action. This project aims to assess the impact of this training program for individuals and organizations. At the individual level, the project focuses on the impact of the program on the career of graduates. At the organizational level, the project aims to better understand the impact of graduates in organizations and the specific contribution of the training program.

EHL Researcher Profiles