EHL Research News

EHL Research & Industry update - July & August 2023


Book Chapters

Saul, L., & Heo, C. Y. (2023). Generation Z tourists’ perception of hotels’ green practices. In S. Seyfi, S., C.M Hall, C. M., & M., Strzelecka (Eds)., Gen Z, tourism, and sustainable consumption: The most sustainable generation ever?. Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003289586-11.

Online & Published

Bianchi, G. & Chen, Y. (Forthcoming). The legal aspects of hotel rate parity. Tourism Economics.

Gergaud, O., Masset, P., Pedrinelli, A., & Weisskopf, J. (Forthcoming). To share or not to share: An analysis of wine list disclosure by Swiss restaurant owners. Journal of Wine Economics.

Hasman, A. & Samartin, M. (Forthcoming). Government intervention, linkages and financial fragility. Economic Modelling.

Masset, P., Poretti, C. & Weisskopf, J.-P. (Forthcoming). In family we trust—In good and bad times. International Review of Finance.

Masset, P., & Raub, S. (Forthcoming). The impact of wine tasters’ expectations on wine quality ratings and willingness-to-pay. Journal of Wine Economics, 1-17. doi:10.1017/jwe.2023.15.

Poretti, C., Jérôme, T. & Brousseau, C. (Forthcoming). Family Identification and Earnings Management in Listed Firms. Accounting in Europe.


Aoun, A., Mata, J., & Schatt A. (2023, August 02-04). CEO reputation and value creation in asymmetric alliances [Paper presentation]. World Finance Conference 2023, Kristiansand, Norway.

Borzillo, S. & Alshahrani, S. (2023, July 19 – July 21). Creating a Shared Vision Between Top Management and Staff: The case of the Fairmont Hotel (Mecca) [Paper presentation]. ICHRIE Conference 2023, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Chan, E., Blengini, I. & Heo, C. (2023, July 13-16).How consumers’ natural inclination affects pro-environmental choices? [Paper Presentation]. AsRES-GCREC, Hong-Kong.

Chen, Y. (2023, July 19 – July 21). Consumers’ Coupon Acceptance in Catering Businesses: A Discrete Choice Analysis [Paper presentation]. ICHRIE Conference 2023, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Hasman, A. (2023, July 19 – July 21). Operational Risk Management in the Hotel Industry: A new approach [Paper presentation]. ICHRIE Conference 2023, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

Hinrichs, N., Stierand, M., & Glavenau, V. (2023, August 4-8). Leveraging Identity to Drive Curiosity Externtization at the Michlin-starred Restaurant Alchemist [Paper presentation]. Academy Of Management (AOM), Boston, USA.

Masset, P. & Terrier, L. (2023, 28 June -02 July). Wine gender: Femininity lies in the eye of the critics … and in the wallets of the customers [Paper presentation]. American Association of Wine Economists (AAWE), Stellenboch, South Africa.

Rahmani, L., Haasova, S., Czellar, S., Clergue, V. & Martin, C. (2023). Referencing Self-Nature Connection rather than just Nature Increases the Efficiency of Pro-Environmental Interventions on Consumer Behaviors [Paper presented]. EACR 2023, July 6-8, 2023, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Schiller, A., Woltering, R.-O. & Sebastian, S. (2023, July 11-14). Does Investor’s Attention Intensify the Earnings Momentum? [Paper Presentation]. European Real Estate Society (ERES), London, UK.

Zizka, L. & Probst, G. (2023, July 3-5). Embracing Technology to enhance Teaching and Learning: A Love/Hate relationship in Higher Education Institutions [Paper presentation]. EduLearn, Majorca, Spain.

Zizka, L. & Probst, G. (2023, July 3-5). Blend the learning; Blending technology and tradition for business students in Higher Education. [Paper presentation]. EduLearn, Majorca, Spain.


Audrin, B. (2023, August). 6 great ways to reduce absenteeism and turnover rates in the workplace. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from Hotel-Online. Retrieved from

Bertinetti, R. (2023). What is a barista? And what does the future hold for this career? Hospitality Net. Retrieved from

Blal, I. & Chirazi, J. (2023). How biomimicry can lead to innovative and resilient business solutions. EHL Insights. Retrieved from

Coyras, K. (2023). E-Reputation Management in the Hospitality Industry - DOs and DON'Ts. École d'Hôtellerie et de Tourisme Paul Dubrule. Retrieved from

Cruz, M. (2023, August). L'authenticité : une notion porteuse en restauration. L'Hôtellerie Restauration. Retrieved from

Dargenio, D. (2023). Comment bien débouchonner sa bouteille de vin? La chronique de Grégoire Baur [quoted]. Le Temps.

Gyger, M. & Fernandez, S. (2023, August). Hospitality industry's new tipping system: What you need to know. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from Hotel-Online. Retrieved from

Martin-Rios, C. (2023). Tourisme et CHR : le rôle du numérique et des start-ups pour relever les défis du développement durable. L'Hôtellerie Restauration. Retrieved from

Martin-Rios, C. (2023, July). Researchers’ recipe for cutting restaurant food waste. Financial Times. Retrieved from

Martin-Rios, C. & Rogenhofer, J. (2023). Food Waste Management: Innovative Solutions for Hospitality. Green Lodging News. Retrieved from

Petit, R. (2023). Why is research important for an educational institution? EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from

Pougnet, S. (2023). Un dirigeant hors du sérail, entre espoirs et craintes, in Türler, W. Changer de secteur, un choix pas toujours aisé pour les CEO. PME Magazine.

Raub, S. (2023). How to promote team empowerment through servant leadership theory. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from

Raub, S., Audrin, B. & Borzillo, S. (2023, August). Holacracy or wholly crazy? Is a flattened hierarchy suitable to hospitality? EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from Hotel Online. Retrieved from

Saul, L. & Tsukanova, T. (2023). Researchers air overtourism concerns amid post-pandemic travel boom. Asia Business Review. Retrieved from

Saul, L. & Tsukanova, T. (2023). Hospitality Trends: A glimpse into the future of the industry. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from Hotel-Online. Retrieved from

Tsukanova, T. & Saul, L. (2023). Hospitality Trends: What the future of higher education looks like. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hotel-Online. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from

Varga, P. (2023). Kulturelle Unterschiede spielen in Hospitality-Branche eine Rolle [interview]. Retrieved from

Weisskopf, J.-P. (2023, July). Le secteur musical: bien plus qu'une belle mélodie. AllNews. Retrieved from


External Events

Mori, M. was invited to be on the selection committee to screen the Japanese applicants for 2024-2025 Fulbright grants to the United States by the Japan-U.S. Educational Commission (Fulbright Japan).

Srinara, N. & Dr. Feena May, from the Inspiring Company, gave a week-long training on leadership development at Dusit Thani College Bangkok, from 31st July to 4th Aug, as part of the Inspiring Hospitality Leadership initiative for undergraduate students of their international program. 

Internal Events

Baumann R. appointed by Gastro-formation Suisse as expert examiner for the final practical cooking exams for candidates for the Brevet Fédéral de chef-cuisinier. July 5, 2023 in Weggis, canton of Lucerne.