Varga, P. & Martino-Rios, C. obtained a grant for their project “How much more can the Galapagos Islands support? Social, ecological and psychographic carrying capacities”, funded by Swiss Federation as part of the Bilateral Program.
Etemad-Sajadi, R., Heo, C. Y., & Clergue, V. (forthcoming). Instilling the core tenets of hospitality in healthcare services: The role of service assurance and social presence. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 111.
Fernandez, S., Terrier, L., & Kim, S. (forthcoming). Personality is no stranger to occupational choice among hospitality graduates. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 32, 100435.
Lê Van, K., Arditi, C., Terrier, L. et al. The Lausanne Hospitality Model: a model integrating hospitality into supportive care. Support Care Cancer 31, 270 (2023).
Masset, P., Weiskopf, J.-P., & Cardebat, J. (2023). Efficient pricing of Bordeaux en primeur wines. Journal of Wine Economics, 1-27. DOI:10.1017/jwe.2023.5.
Völker, J., Blal, I. & Mortillaro, M. (2023). Emotional intelligence matters in hospitality education: contributions of emotional intelligence, fluid ability, and personality to hospitality grades. Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 14.
Masset, P. (2023, April 5). Quality, ratings, and prices of Bordeaux en primeur wines [presentation during a ceremony dedicated to Prof. Dr. Orley Ashenfelter for his title of Doctor Honoris Causa from U. Bordeaux]. Séminaire «Retour sur 40 ans d’économie au service du vin», Bordeaux, France.
Masset, P. & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2023, April 11-12). From Risk to Reward: The Strategic Advantages of Diversifying Grape Varietals [Paper presentation]. 5th Wine & Hospitality Management Workshop, Hong-Kong.
Masset, P. & Weisskopf, J.-P. (2023, April 11-12). The role of asset-lightness, fee orientation, and intangible assets on the financial performance of lodging companies: A shareholders’ perspective [Paper presentation]. 5th Wine & Hospitality Management Workshop, Hong-Kong.

Bianchi, G. & Sfreddo, C. (2023, April). PIB vaudois: l'économie domestique soutient la conjoncture dans un contexte difficile [cited]. BCV. Retrieved from Allnews. Retrieved from
Bihi-Zenou, D., Woltering, R.-O. & Szelyes, Z. (2023). Les marchés mondiaux au défi de montagnes russes. ImmoDay. Retrieved from
Blengini, I. (2023, April). The economic impact of COVID-19 on Switzerland and other developed countries. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from s Projin News. Retrieved from
Borrelly, C. (2023, April). Building ecosystems: An answer to 21st century education 4.0. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from
Borzillo, S., Terrier, L., & Quoëx, N. (2023, April). Key steps to promoting mental serenity in the hospitality workplace. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from Hotel-Online. Retrieved from
Chen, Y. (2023, April). Le tourisme chinois en suspens. Allnews. Retrieved from
Etemad-Sajadi, R. (2023) The AI recipe that left a Michelin-star chef stunned [co-authored]. Telegraph. Retrieved from
Etemad-Sajadi, R. (2023). 6 ethical questions to ask when using AI in hotel operations. Hotels-asia. Retrieved from
Etemad-Sajadi, R. (2023). ChatGPT is an asset, says professor at the world’s leading hospitality school. Study International. Retrieved from
Etemad-Sajadi, R. (2023). The GPT Genie Is Out Of The Bottle – Is Business Education Ready?. Forbes. Retrieved from
Etemad-Sajadi, R. (2023). Augmenting growth. Hospitality Talk India. Retrieved from
Girardin, F. (2023, April). EHL And HEC Paris Join Forces To Create A Summer Program On Luxury Hospitality Management [interview]. Journal des Palaces. Retrieved from
Inversini, A., Chen, M.-M. & Keller, A. (2023, April). Cinq projets pour accélérer la transformation numérique du secteur touristique vaudois soutenus par l’EHL, le SPEI et Vaud Promotion. PME. Retrieved from
Kim, S. (2023, April). 6 Ways To Make Business School An Inclusive Environment For Women [mentionned]. Forbes. Retrieved from
Kim, S. (2023, April). Women prove they have the talent for management [cited]. China Daily. Retrieved from
Lobertréau, B. (2023, April). The best languages to learn for business and the hospitality industry. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from Hotel-Online. Retrieved from
Pougnet, S. (2023, April). En fût ou en carton, le vin sort de sa bouteille pour échapper à la crise, 24 Heures. Retrieved from
Saul, L. & Tsukanova, T. (2023, April). Trends in hospitality – Wellness and wellbeing for a thriving life. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from Hotel-Online. Retrieved from
Sawerschel, Y. (2023, April). The secret to creating a winning hospitality concept. Hospitality Net. Retrieved from

Fuchs, M. (2023, April 26) taught a half-day session on Brand Market Share Analysis in cooperation with Nielsen for the MBA Program of the University of St. Gallen. KV Business School, Zurich.

Bertinetti, R. (2023, April 19) gave two whorkshops to a group of representatives (15 people) of the Coca-Cola Hbc Suisse during their training at EHL Advisory Services. Topic: Boost your creativity workshop and Caffé Vergnano workshop.
Bertinetti, R. (2023, April 20) organized two events to promote Lurisia (Coca-Cola) products by creating specific cocktails at the client's request. EHL Alliance organized the event.
Clergue, V. (2023, April) invited Ariane Clergue (GM at citizenM Zurich) as guest speaker in her BOSC1 Foundations of Hospitality Marketing class.
Hasman, A. (2023, April) invited Pascal Meinherz (Managing Director Co-head of Private Wealth Management in Germany, Goldman Sachs) and Daniel Vogt (Executive Director Private Wealth Advisor, Goldman Sachs) as guest speakers for all the groups on Corporate Finance, BOSC 5 – EHL.