EHL Research Events

The 9th Management Accounting Doctoral Colloquium

EHL Campus Lausanne

EHL Hospitality Business School, the Universities of Fribourg, Lausanne and St. Gallen are glad to present:


The 9th Management Accounting Doctoral Colloquium

August 26-27, 2024

At EHL Campus Lausanne.


The objectives of Management Accounting Doctoral Colloquium is to create a network of young academics in Management Accounting in Switzerland, leading to high-quality research.

The 9th edition is organized by Prof. Giovanni-Battista Derchi, PhD, and Maël Schnegg, PhD.

The colloquium is organized over two days. One is dedicated to research presentations done by PhD students in the format of an academical conference.

The second day is dedicated to an active company visit where PhD students have the opportunity to confront their research output with the challenges of an industry.


For those who might be interested in participating at this colloquium, you can contact or

We hope to see you there !



In partnership with

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