EHL Research

New Funded Research Projects - September 2023

Written by EHL Research Team | Sep 14, 2023 2:15:02 PM

We are glad to announce our new funded research projects that have recently be accepted.

Heo, C. obtained a grant for her project "Exploring the Devastating Social Impact of Japan’s Release of Nuclear Polluted Water", funded by SERI, Leading House Asia.

Heo, C. obtained a grant for her project "Implementing Revenue Management Strategies for Ski Lifts", funded by Dolomiti Superski.

Heo, C. obtained a grant for her project "Optimizing Hotel Service Offers with Machine Learning Technique", funded by TravelBrain.

Martin-Rios, C. obtained a grant for his project "Sustainability Transitions in the Swiss foodservice: Re-imagining foodservice for a world never imagined", funded by HES-SO.

Masset, P. obtained a grant for his project "Données satellitaires, intelligence artificielle et régressions hédoniques au service de la modélisation des liens entre météo, qualité et prix des vins", funded by HES-SO.

Salamin, X., Chochard, Y. & Audrin, B. obtained a grant for their project "Les impacts du programme Business Team Academy. Effets sur l’emploi et la carrière des diplômé·e·s et retombées pour les organisations", funded by HES-SO.

Yu Kerguignas, J. obtained a grant for her project "The detrimental impact of service digitization on frontline staff’s productivity, well-being, and customer experience", funded by HES-SO.