EHL Research

EHL Research & Industry update - June 2023

Written by EHL Research Team | Jul 6, 2023 2:18:18 PM

Mori, M. was invited to serve on the editorial board of the Journal of Real Estate Literature.

Furrer, O., Landry, M., Baillod, C. and Yu Kerguignas, J. (2023), "The interplay between physical and social servicescape: investigating negative CCI", Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 37 No. 6, pp. 732-745. 

Nicolau, J. L., Poretti, C., & Heo, C. Y. (forthcoming). Solidarity actions with Ukraine and hospitality firm value. Tourism Management, Volume 100, 2024, 104813, ISSN 0261-5177.

Poretti, C., Aoun, A, & Singal, M. (forthcoming). Fee-Oriented Strategies, Ownership Structure and Analyst Forecast Accuracy in the Hospitality Industry. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, 1-16.

Raub, S., Cruz, M., Gorka, J., Hodari, D., & Saul, L. (forthcoming). The cruise industry workforce crunch – generational changes in work values of job seekers. Tourism Review.

Bessieux-Ollier, C., Poretti C., & Schatt, A. (2023, June 8). Earnings management by new powerful CEOs across ownership structures [Paper presentation]. 22nd AAIG International Governance Conference, Nancy, France.

Etemad-Sajadi, R., & Clergue, V. (2023, June 8 - 10). Service robots with extended AI knowledge such as ChatGPT: The user point of view about ethical issues in a service delivery context [Paper presentation]. 4th International Research Conference Hospitality Robotics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Jérôme, T. & Poretti C. (2023, May 24-25). Does gender in the audit relationship matter? An analysis of audit fees under the prism of gender stereotype threats [Paper presentation]. 44th AFC Conference, Lyon, France.

Lemarié, L., Russell, C. A. & Girardin, F. (2023, June 28 - July 2). When and How Do Consumers See Through Corporate Social Responsibility Claims? [Paper presented] at the  ICORIA Conference, Bordeaux, France.

Lopez, L. & Davoine, T. (2023, June 26-27). Remittances and Inbound International Tourism Demand [Paper Presentation]. 7th edition of the Hospitality Finance & Economics Conference. Singapore.

Miralles, M., Lee, B., Dörfler, V., & Stierand, M. (2023, June 14-16). Trauma research: Considering the merits of employing archival sources to understand strategizing of an organization in a difficult-to-research area [Paper presentation]. EURAM 2023 (European Academy of Management) Conference. Dublin, Ireland.

Mori, M., Fan, H., & Zheng, C. (2023, June 26-27). Smart Cities: A Panacea for Urban Air Pollution: Evidence from the World’s Leading Smart Cities. [Paper presentation]. 7th edition of the Hospitality Finance & Economics Conference. Singapore.

Weeks, K., Chen, M.-M., & Clergue, V. (2023, June). Sweet feelings over sour facts: The role of risk in value of wine brand personality [Poster presentation]. 4th International Research Conference Hospitality Robotics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Bianchi, G. & Brenner, A. (2023). Banks failing: Lessons learnt from the Credit Suisse collapse - Part 3. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from

Blal, I., Borzillo, S., & Millar, I. (2023). Crise de vocation dans les palaces [quoted]. Les Echos. Retrieved from

Borzillo, S. (2023). Les solutions à la pénurie de main-d'oeuvre dans l'hôtellerie : technologie, flexibilité, perfectionnement. L’Hôtellerie Restauration. Retrieved from

Borzillo, S., Quoëx, N., & Vernet, I. (2023). Reinventing leadership styles in the Hospitality Industry. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from

Etemad-Sajadi, R. (2023). The Bloc Interview. ‘AI and ChatGPT are potential game changers in hospitality’ [interview]. The Hindu Business Line. Retrieved from

Masset, P. (2023). The price of Bordeaux 2022: What you need to know before you buy. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved

Poretti, C. (2023). Stratégies d’entreprise et complexité financière. Allnews. Retrieved from

Saul, L. & Tsukanova, T. (2023)Hospitality trends: Unveiling the harsh reality of overtourism. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from EHotelier. Retrieved from Hotel-Online. Retrieved from

Weisskopf, J.-P. (2023). How customer ratings can help secure a loan for your restaurant. EHL Insights. Retrieved from Hospitality Net. Retrieved from

Baumann, R. was appointed as jury member by “Swiss Gastro Formation” for the final examination (theory) of the candidates for the Swiss Federal Brevet of Chef 2023, during oral exams, Interview to analyze the student’s reflection of their completed learning portfolio, Pully, Switzerland. 2023, June 28.

Baumann, R. Was appointed as jury member by “Swiss Gastro Formation” for the final examination (theory) of the candidates for the Swiss Federal Brevet of Chef 2023, during oral exams, Professional & cookery knowledges, and knowledges of ingredients, Pully, Switzerland. 2023, June 30.

Coyras, K. did a workshop with 72 entrepreneurs from Siem Reap, Cambodia on the topic of Digital Marketing and E-Reputation. The workshop was organized by the Angkor Entrepreneur Club in collaboration with École d'Hôtellerie et de Tourisme Paul Dubrule. 2023, June 30.

Coyras, K. did a one-week course for students of the DHM program at École d'Hôtellerie et de Tourisme Paul Dubrule in Cambodia. Subjects taught: Sales Operations and E-Reputation Management. 2023, June 26-30.

Lopez, L., Mori, M. & Weisskopf, J.-P. co-organized the 7th HFE conference at the EHL Singapore campus, which also included a variety of industry sessions.

Mori, M. served as a panel on the theme, “Challenges, Opportunities & Innovation in the Hospitality & Real Estate Industry”, moderated by Prof Singa Tien Foo from NUS along with other panelists, Mr. Carroll Head of Hotels & Hospitality at CBRE, Ms. Eu CEO at Frasers Hospitality, Mr. Kousloglou CEO at Sun Hung Kai Properties at the 7th HFE conference at the EHL Singapore campus in Singapore.

Mori, M. discussed one paper at the 7th edition of the Hospitality Finance & Economics Conference at the EHL Singapore campus in Singapore.

Mori, M. chaired THREE sessions at the 7th edition of the Hospitality Finance & Economics Conference at the EHL Singapore campus in Singapore.

Zizka, L. gave Webinar on Workplace Ethics workshop to the graduate students in the MSc Human Rights and Diplomacy program, University of Stirling on June 7, 2023. 

Clergue, V. invited Yasemin Oruc (Senior Lecturer Marketing & Innovation and Research Fellow at HTH) as guest speaker on City branding: the case of Amsterdam in the Foundations of Marketing course.